Are You Building an Ark in There?

Up-and-over garage door.
What's behind your closed doors? Image via Wikipedia

Yes, the title of the post is a quote from one of my neighbors.  I’m sure that what I’m up to in the garage (my studio) is strange and unusual to the people who live around me.  I don’t go around shouting throughout the neighborhood that I’m a jeweler, so only some of the neighbors know what I’m up to.

When I’m walking the dog around in the evening, I sometimes hear the sounds of hammers, saw, and other tools emanating from other people’s garages.  I’ve seen inside a couple of them (from the street) and know that at least two of the houses in my neighborhood have secret woodshops and one has a whole car repair bay (including a lift.)  I wonder what they think is going on in my studio.  The garage doors are insulated, so I don’t ever open them and no one gets a tantalizing glimpse into my secret world.

I kind of like being a mystery.  “What’s going on in there?”  “Are they building something illegal?”  “Why is it so noisy?”  It’s fun to keep them guessing.  Of course, if they only asked, I would tell them!

What do your neighbors think is going on in your private sanctum?  What is your garage like?  A man cave, studio space, or simply a place to keep your car?  Leave a comment and let us know.

3 thoughts on “Are You Building an Ark in There?

  1. I wish I had a garage, but I’m sure that the neighbors wonder when I’m up in the one bedroom with the flood light on and sanding…”Isn’t she ever going to finish that?” 🙂 Great post!


  2. Luckily I’m surrounded by other jewellers who don’t even flinch at the sound of hammer on stake … but the building is full of plain red doors that I want to explore behind xx


  3. I work in the garage during the summer – with the door up. It is amazing how people walk by, peer in but they are too afraid to come up the driveway to see what all the noise it. Though the neighbors know what I am doing and they do come in to see what I am working on because during the winter, they can hear me banging but I am upstairs inside the house.


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