Down with the Sickness

I was finally going to get back into the studio this weekend and start a project I’ve been itching to get into. Then the sickness came. I was fine on Thursday when I was at work, then on Friday when I was about to go into the studio I had what seemed like an allergy attack. Only problem is, it just kept getting worse. Then on Saturday I started getting chills and aches along with it. Two days down, though I seem to be gwtting better today. Unfortunately my resting today means that I go into work tomorrow – still no studio.

I did spend my achy day watching Xena. I kept wondering about her armor. I am impressed they made it look bronze, (though they obviously had steel technology for their weapons) but how effective would it be? Would it be heavy? It looks like pretty thick forged copper to me. Hmmm, should I make some Xena armor? That would be pretty awesome, but maybe that’s just the sickness talking. Plus I’d need to learn leather working. Maybe that should be my next workshop…

What is your favorite TV or movie armor?

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